Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What is love for me...

Ask the heart...

What is the source of love...
Are the signs noticeable when you look...

The beetle pleas to the flower...

The moon and the stars..

The signs of intimate relationship...

Ask the heart...

If it yearns...

Do you remember what you dreamt...

Time apart..

What to recall...

That is love when understood..

If it not because of love...

The petals of love might not blossom..

Suppose one is weary with yearning..

The closeness will wither...

Ask the heart...

If it yearns...

Do you remember what you dreamt...

Time apart..

What to recall...

That is love when understood..

That is love

my favourite artist

 I write this blog after I heard some songs from my lappy..

It is the P Ramlee songs..

In my opinion, his songs and movies were full of useful advices..

Can you imagine none of Malaysian gets sick when they watched his films over and over again..

Year by year..

It has been more than 50 years..



How can he make such a thing to human?

Because we know that human will get bored after they do the same thing..

But his films seems like have a magic..

An attraction..

For people to watch it for the rest of their life..

I still remember a scene in his movie..

I will never forget that scene..

The scene is when ramlee,ajis and sudin go to an audition..

To select an actor..

when they arrived there, sudin impolitely asked the guard.. *the guard was a sigh*

the guard don’t reply his question...

After a few moments, the guard replied..

It sounds like this..

"If this the way you act, how will the Malay will success?"

His words were true..

I also surprise when most of university in Russia use P Ramlee films when they have Malay language class..

But it seems to be logical why they use his films..

P Ramlee, used correct phrase..

Furthermore, I also love to hear to his songs..

He had made a lot of nice songs..

For example, Azizah, Tanya Sama Hati, MAlam Ku Bermimpi and etc..

Many people did study why he had such a nice voice..

One of the reasons is he used "hukum tajwid" when he sang..

No wonder he can make the song more beautiful than it suppose to be..

Credit for him because he had make a big impact in our life...


Rupa kamu yang cantik

Mata kamu yang bulat

Membikin pemuda

Jadilah gembira

Senyumanmu yang manis

Gigi kamu yang putih

Hidungmu yang mancung

Rambutmu kerinting

Membikin pemuda

Sehari-hari menaruh cinta padamu

Cantik rupamu

Cantik rupamu

Dipandang mata

Bagai biduan

Bagai biduan

Dari Syurga

Tidur malam terbayang

Teringat kamu seorang

Membikin hati pemuda

Menjadi bimbang

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

apabila Sultan mula berbicara


hari ni...


smua media kluar cerita pkl 8 mlm td..

sultan dah mula bkk mulut pasal org melayu yang mempertikaikan hak org melayu itu sendiri...

derhaka kata baginda...

akan tetapi..

mesti ada sebab yang kukuh mengapa ada segelintir melayu yang mempertikaikan hak ketuanan melayu..

mari kita lihat sudut yang pertama..


dari sudut ekonomi..

adakah orang melayu yang menguasai ekonomi di malaysia?


orang melayu, kerja kilang..



mcm2 kerja lagi..

hanya segelintir yang bekerja sebagai golongan professional..

cuba bayangkan..

dengan keadaan yang mendesak sekarang neh..

bole ka mereka menyara keluarga dengan senang?

minyak naik...

gula naik...

tepung naik..

byk lagi barang runcit naik harga..

orang melayu, kebanyakan yang berpendapatan rendah...

bersusah-payah untuk menyara diri dan keluarga...

persoalannya di sini...

mana hak istimewa orang melayu yang digembar-gembur..

memang ada hak istimewa ini..

yang itu saya tidak pertikaikan...

tetapi, dengan penyelwengan..

dengan rasuah di kalangan menteri dan kroni...

rakyat di bawah x mrasa pon keistimewaan hak ni...

pemimpin2, x kira la sultan atau menteri..

cuba turun padang..

rasa sendiri mcm mana kesusahan rakyat..

jgn hanya membuat ucapan di atas podium..

dgn karpet merah yang mahal...

sambutan untuk membuat ucapan hanya beberapa minit yg mnelan belanja ribuan rnggit..

malah ratusan ribu tnggit...

tanya diri sendiri..

apakah peranan pemimpin sekarang..

pernah mereka merasa susah?

dibesarkan sebagai anak org kaya..

anak raja..

mana pernah merasa mcm mana nk cari sesuap nasik..

saya x salahkan sultan menegur org melayu yang derhaka..

mempertikaikan hak..

tetapi cuba tegur menteri2 sama..

yang mana buat salah..

yang mana amalkan rasuah..


bergama islam...

istri x pkai tudung..

mcm mana rakyat di bawah nk mempercayai kewibaan mereka sebagai pemimpin?


sebagai pemimpin..

kembalikan balik keyakinan rakyat..

jadikan negara maju..

bukannya mundur...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

my advices

when it come to love..

its hard...

hard to define what is love...

hard to believe in love...

hard to guest what will happen to our love...

when you love somebody,

believe me...

do love him/her because your heart say so...

not because of your eyes..

do look people by heart..

eyes can give a bad impression..

but heart dont...

only your heart can tell is she/he the person that you love...

not your eyes...

only your heart that make you love him/her as the way he/she is...

believe me..

you will not regret when you follow your heart...